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发表于 2021-2-19 22:55:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

                                         By MicroRbt Martinez PhD



Validate and prepare a handler for installation


new.analysis.page(handler, param.set = NULL, annotate.plot = TRUE,
class.name = "plot-point", standard.ids = TRUE, skip.checks = FALSE,
plot.pars.transformer = NULL, annotate.data.frame = TRUE,
numeric.sig.digs = 3, no.plot = FALSE, name = NULL, label = name,
description = label, advanced = 0, thumbnail = NULL, service = FALSE,
in.menu = !service, paramset.transformer = NULL)


参数handler介绍: A handler function, as described above.

参数param.set介绍: An AnalysisPageParamSet to use for the function. Or NULL, to call default.param.set. Note that it is not a requirement that all of the function arguments be included in the param set—they just won't be provided.

参数annotate.plot介绍: Logical. Should plots generated by this handler be automatically annotated? Default: TRUE.

参数class.name介绍: Character. What class label should be applied to automatically annotated points? Default: "plot-point". (Ignored if annotate.plot is FALSE.)
字符。哪些类别标签应应用于自动注释的点?默认值:“ plot-point”。 (如果annotate.plot为FALSE,则将其忽略。)

参数standard.ids介绍: Logical. By default (TRUE), the rownames of your return value are ignored, and new ones are created like "Reg1","Reg2". The advantage of this is that these IDs are guaranteed to be standard-compliant HTML and SVG id tags. If you want to force using your real rownames as IDs (for example, to help in debugging), then set this to FALSE (FALSE is implemented but not tested). Or you can provide a function with the same signature as AnalysisPageServer:::make.standard.ids that will generate IDs for you (this is also implemented but not tested). When annotate.plot is FALSE (for example, when a PNG is requested) the rownames are always left alone and make.standard.ids is not called.
逻辑上。默认情况下(TRUE),将忽略返回值的行名,并创建新的行名,如“ Reg1”,“ Reg2”。这样做的好处是,可以确保这些ID是符合标准的HTML和SVG ID标签。如果要强制使用实际的行名作为ID(例如,以帮助调试),请将其设置为FALSE(已实现FALSE,但未经测试)。或者,您可以提供一个具有与AnalysisPageServer:::make.standard.ids相同的签名的函数,该函数将为您生成ID(也已实现但未经测试)。当annotate.plot为FALSE时(例如,当请求PNG时),行名始终保持单独状态,并且不调用make.standard.ids。

参数skip.checks介绍: Logical. By default (FALSE) your handler is run once on its default arguments, and it is checked that it makes an SVG and that the SVG can be annotated (if annotate.plot was set). This is important to get right, but doens't really need to be done during production—it just slows down the server start up.

参数plot.pars.transformer介绍: A function to transform plot parameters. It should have the signature function(plot=list(), other=list()) and return a list. The first argument is the plot parameters extracted from the user request (these are the parameters like "width" and "height" that are not related to the business of the request but are simply passed through to the device function), and the second is all the other parameters from the user request. The functinon returns a (named) list of further arguments to pass to the device function. The main use
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