Awesome R 中文版(ZH_CN) for Top 50 CRAN downloaded packages or repos with 400+ ![]( Integrated Development Environments集成开发环境 Syntax改变你使用R方式的包 Data Manipulation数据处理相关的包 Graphic DisplaysPackages for showing data. HTML WidgetsPackages for interactive visualizations. Reproducible ResearchPackages for literate programming. Web Technologies and ServicesPackages to surf the web. Parallel ComputingPackages for parallel computing. High PerformancePackages for making R faster. - Rcpp
- Rcpp在R中提供了一个高效的API,使得函数更快执行. - Rcpp11 - Rcpp11完全重新设计,以C++11为目标.
- compiler - 使用JIT提高R代码的速度.
Language APIPackages for other languages. Database ManagementPackages for managing data. Machine LearningPackages for making R cleverer. - AnomalyDetection
- 来自Twitter的AnomalyDetection R包. - ahaz - 半参数添加风险回归的正则化.
- arules - 挖掘关联规则和频繁项集.
- bigrf - 大随机森林:大型数据集的分类和回归森林.
- bigRR - 广义回归(特殊是在p >> n情况下).
- bmrm - 风险最小化方案的正规化方法.
- Boruta - 所有相关的特征选择算法的一个封装
- BreakoutDetection - Breakout Detection via Robust E-Statistics from Twitter.[暂时不明真相]
- bst - 梯度增加.
- CausalImpact - 利用贝叶斯时间序列结构模型进行因果推断.
- C50 - C5.0决策树和基于规则的模型.
- caret
- 分类和回归训练. - Clever Algorithms For Machine Learning
- CORElearn - 分类、回归、特征评价和排序.
- CoxBoost - Cox models by likelihood based boosting for a single survival endpoint or competing risks.
- Cubist - 规则和基于实例的回归建模
- e1071 - Misc统计函数 (e1071),主要功能有类别分析、傅里叶变换,模糊聚类,支持向量机,最短路径计算,朴素贝叶斯分类器等等.
- earth - 多元自适应回归模型.
- elasticnet - 稀疏估计和稀疏主成分分析.
- ElemStatLearn - 书籍"The Elements of Statistical Learning, Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction"中的数据集,函数和例子.
- evtree - 全局最优树的进化学习.
- forecast - 使用ARIMA, ETS, STLM, TBATS,和神经网络进行时间序列预测.
- forecastHybrid - 使用"forecast"包对ARIMA, ETS, STLM, TBATS,和神经网络模型进行交叉检验.
- FSelector - 一个基于subset-search或特性排名方法的特征选择框架.
- frbs - 使用模糊规则系统处理分类和回归的任务.
- GAMBoost - 基于广义线性和加法模型.
- gamboostLSS - GAMLSS方法的改善.
- gbm - 改善广义线性模型.
- glmnet
- Lasso 和 elastic-net正规化广义线性模型. - glmpath - L1 Regularization Path for Generalized Linear Models and Cox Proportional Hazards Model
- GMMBoost - 广义混合模型.
- grplasso - Fitting user specified models with Group Lasso penalty
- grpreg - Regularization paths for regression models with grouped covariates.
- h2o
- Deeplearning, Random forests, GBM, KMeans, PCA, GLM - hda - 异方差判别分析.
- ipred - 预测器改进.
- kernlab - kernlab: 基于内核学习的机器实验室.
- klaR - 分类和可视化.
- kohonen - 监督和非监督自组织映射.
- lars - Least Angle Regression, Lasso and Forward Stagewise
- lasso2 - L1 constrained estimation aka ‘lasso’
- LiblineaR - 基于C/C++库的线性预测模型.
- lme4
- Mixed-effects models - LogicReg - 逻辑回归模型.
- maptree - 映射、修剪和图形树模型.
- mboost - Model-Based Boosting
- Machine Learning For Hackers
- mvpart - Multivariate partitioning
- MXNet
- MXNet brings flexible and efficient GPU computing and state-of-art deep learning to R. - ncvreg - Regularization paths for SCAD- and MCP-penalized regression models
- nnet - eed-forward Neural Networks and Multinomial Log-Linear Models
- oblique.tree - Oblique Trees for Classification Data
- pamr - Pam: 小矩阵预测分析.
- party - A Laboratory for Recursive Partytioning
- partykit - A Toolkit for Recursive Partytioning
- penalized - L1 (lasso and fused lasso) and L2 (ridge) penalized estimation in GLMs and in the Cox model
- penalizedLDA - Penalized classification using Fisher's linear discriminant
- penalizedSVM - 使用惩罚函数的特征选择支持向量机.
- quantregForest - quantregForest: Quantile Regression Forests
- randomForest - 随机森林: Breiman and Cutler's random forests for classification and regression.
- randomForestSRC - randomForestSRC: Random Forests for Survival, Regression and Classification (RF-SRC).
- rattle - 图形界面式的数据挖掘工具.
- rda - Shrunken Centroids Regularized Discriminant Analysis
- rdetools - Relevant Dimension Estimation (RDE) in Feature Spaces
- REEMtree - Regression Trees with Random Effects for Longitudinal (Panel) Data
- relaxo - Relaxed Lasso
- rgenoud - R version of GENetic Optimization Using Derivatives
- rgp - R基因编程框架.
- Rmalschains - 使用本地文化基因算法进行连续问题优化.[这里翻译不准]. Search Chains (MA-LS-Chains) in R
- rminer - 在分类和回归问题中简单的使用数据挖掘方法(如神经网络和支持向量机).
- ROCR - 可视化评分分类器的性能.
- RoughSets - 使用粗糙集和模糊粗糙集理论进行数据分析.
- rpart - Recursive Partitioning and Regression Trees
- RPMM - Recursively Partitioned Mixture Model
- RSNNS - Neural Networks in R using the Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator (SNNS)
- Rsomoclu - Parallel implementation of self-organizing maps.
- RWeka - Weka的R接口(Weka是基于JAVA环境下开源的机器学习以及数据挖掘软件).
- RXshrink - RXshrink: Maximum Likelihood Shrinkage via Generalized Ridge or Least Angle Regression
- sda - Shrinkage Discriminant Analysis and CAT Score Variable Selection
- SDDA - Stepwise Diagonal Discriminant Analysis
- SuperLearner and subsemble - Multi-algorithm ensemble learning packages.
- svmpath - svmpath: the SVM Path algorithm
- tgp - Bayesian treed Gaussian process models
- tree - 分类和回归树.
- varSelRF - 使用随机森林进行变量选择.
- xgboost
- eXtreme Gradient Boosting Tree model, well known for its speed and performance.
Natural Language ProcessingPackages for Natural Language Processing. - text2vec - 一个快速文本挖掘框架。 Fast Text Mining Framework for Vectorization and Word Embeddings.
- tm - 一个全面的文本挖掘框架.
- openNLP - Apache OpenNLP工具接口.
- koRpus - 一个文本分析的R包.
- zipfR - 词频分布统计模型.
- NLP - 基本自然语言处理功能.
- LDAvis - 主题模型的交互式可视化.
- topicmodels - Topic modeling interface to the C code developed by by David M. Blei for Topic Modeling (Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), and Correlated Topics Models (CTM)).
- syuzhet - Extracts sentiment from text using three different sentiment dictionaries.
- SnowballC - Snowball stemmers based on the C libstemmer UTF-8 library.
- quanteda - 文本数据的定量分析.
- Topic Models Resources - 主题模型的学习和R相关资源.
- NLP for
- NLP related resources in R. @Chinese
BayesianPackages for Bayesian Inference. - coda - 输出MCMC(马尔可夫链蒙特卡尔理论)的分析和诊断信息.
- mcmc - 马尔可夫链蒙特卡尔理论(MCMC).
- MCMCpack - 马尔可夫链蒙特卡尔理论 (MCMC).
- R2WinBUGS - 在在R/S-PLUS中打开WinBUGS 和 OpenBUGS.
- BRugs - OpenBUGS MCMC 软件的R接口.
- rjags - JAGS MCMC组件的R接口.
- rstan
- Stan MCMC软件的R接口.
OptimizationPackages for Optimization. - minqa - Derivative-free optimization algorithms by quadratic approximation.
- nloptr - 一个免费开源的非线性最优化程序包.
- lpSolve - Lp_solve解决线性和整形问题的R接口.
FinancePackages for dealing with money. BioinformaticsPackages for processing biological datasets. Network AnalysisPackages to construct, analyze and visualize network data. R DevelopmentPackages for packages. LoggingPackages for Logging Data PackagesHandy Data Packages Other ToolsHandy Tools for R Other InterpretersAlternative R engines. - CXXR - Refactorising R into C++.
- fastR - FastR is an implementation of the R Language in Java atop Truffle and Graal.
- incanter - Clojure-based, R-like statistical computing and graphics environment for the JVM with Lisp spirit.
- pqR - 一个更快的R实现.
- renjin - 一个基于JVM的R编译器.
- rho - Refactor the interpreter of the R language into a fully-compatible, efficient, VM for R.
- riposte - 一个R快速编译和JIT工具.
- RRO - R革命性开放平台(Microsoft R Open).
- TERR - R的TIBCO企业运行环境.
Learning RPackages for Learning R. Resources发现新的R资源的地方. WebsitesBooksPodcastsReference CardsMOOCsMassive open online courses. ListsGreat resources for learning domain knowledge. Other Awesome ListsContributing一直欢迎大家的贡献!我的邮件 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License - CC BY-NC-SA 4.0