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发表于 2020-8-21 20:56:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

                                         By MicroRbt Martinez PhD



Function to simulate detection/nondetection data under a general dynamic community (= dynamic, multi-species site-occupancy) model, including:

* annual variation in the probabilities of patch persistence, colonization and detection is specified by the bounds of a uniform distribution.

* species heterogeneity around the means is specified by the SD of a normal distribution and expressed on the logit scale

* one covariate is allowed to a parameter (site covariate for psi1, site-year covariate for phi and gamma and site-year-rep covariate for p). Each covariate is allowed to differ among species again according to a logit-normal model of heterogeneity.

* additional detection heterogeneity at the site- or the occasion level, with the possibility of a temporal trend in this heterogeneity over years. E.g., an annual trend in detection heterogeneity at the site or the occasion level is specified by the value in the first and the last year. Hence, range.sd.site = c(0, 1) will result in a linear trend in the magnitude of site-level heterogeneity in detection from 0 in the first year to 1 in the last year, with interpolation for the years in between.
*在站点或场合级别上的其他检测异质性,这种异质性可能会随时间出现长期趋势。例如,第一年和最后一年的值指定了站点或场合级别的检测异质性的年度趋势。因此,range.sd.site = c(0,1)将导致站点级异质性检测的幅度呈线性趋势,从第一年的0到最后一年的1,并在之间的年份进行插值。

* additional detection heterogeneity that among occasions according to a quadratic effect of occasion number (to model phenology of an insect species for instance).

These last two types of detection heterogeneity are not (yet) allowed to be species-specific.


simDCM(nspec = 50, nsite = 100, nrep = 3, nyear = 10,
mean.psi1 = 0.4, sig.lpsi1 = 1, mu.beta.lpsi1 = 0, sig.beta.lpsi1 = 0,
range.mean.phi = c(0.8, 0.8), sig.lphi = 1, mu.beta.lphi = 0,
sig.beta.lphi = 0, range.mean.gamma = c(0.2, 0.2), sig.lgamma = 1,
mu.beta.lgamma = 0, sig.beta.lgamma = 0, range.mean.p = c(0.5, 0.5),
sig.lp = 1, mu.beta.lp = 0, sig.beta.lp = 0, range.beta1.season = c(0, 0),
range.beta2.season = c(0, 0), range.sd.site = c(0, 0),
range.sd.survey = c(0, 0), show.plot = TRUE)


参数nspec介绍: number of species (typically called N in AHM book)

参数nsite介绍: number of sites (M)

参数nrep介绍: number of replicate occasions within a year (J)

参数nyear介绍: number of years (T)

参数mean.psi1介绍: average (across all species in the community) of the intercept of occupancy probability in first year

参数sig.lpsi1介绍: sd of the normal distribution from which species-specific occupancy intercepts are drawn (centered on logit(mean.psi1)), on logit scale

参数mu.beta.lpsi1介绍: community mean of the coefficients of the covariate in probabilities of initial occupancy: the probability-scale mean of the normal distribution from which the species-specific coefficients are drawn.

参数sig.beta.lpsi1介绍: sd of the normal distribution from which species-specific slopes are drawn (centered on mu.beta.lpsi1)

参数range.mean.phi介绍: bounds of uniform distribution from which the aver
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