本帖最后由 zhouyuanshen 于 2014-5-28 13:48 编辑
【问题描述】(必填):进行非参数Mann Kendall突变检验,及绘图
【R语言代码】- Mann_Kendall <- function(timeserial){#Mann Kendall 突变检验,传递参数
- Mann_Kendall_sub <- function(timeserial){#需要进行两次秩的分析,因此在函数中嵌套了一个函数
- r <- c()#分析的三个变量,具体含义可以参照魏凤英老师的书
- s <- c()#秩序列。
- U <- c()
- for(i in 2:length(timeserial))#进行大小比较,从第二个开始与以前的数据进行大小比较
- {r[i] <- 0
- for(j in 1:i)
- {
- if(timeserial[i]>timeserial[j]){r[i]=r[i]+1}#如果后面的数大于前面的数,则秩加1
- }
- s[i] <- 0
- for (ii in 2:i){
- s[i] <- s[i]+r[ii]#秩序列。Sk是第i时刻数值大于ii时刻数值个数的累计数
- }
- U[i] <- 0
- U[i] <- (s[i]- (i*(i-1)/4))/sqrt(i*(i-1)*(2*i+5)/72)
- }
- r[1] <- 0
- s[1] <- 0
- U[1] <- 0
- LST <- list(r = r, s = s, U = U)
- return (LST)
- }
- timeserial_rev <- rev(timeserial)#生成逆序列
- y1 <- Mann_Kendall_sub(timeserial)#计算正序列
- y2 <- Mann_Kendall_sub(timeserial_rev)#计算逆序列
- y2$U <- -(rev(y2$U))#转换符号与顺序
- LST <- list(UF=y1,UB=y2)
- return(LST)
- }
- #这里是你要修改的地方
- setwd("d:/")
- od <- read.table("1.txt", header=T)
- Variable <- c("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun")
- #修改上面代码
- #可以自己定义,或者根据数据自动生成
- rows <- length(Variable)
- startyear <- as.numeric(od[1,1])
- years <- od$Year
- #如果要生成图片,请执行相应代码
- tiff("filename.tif", width=14.6, height=16, units="cm", res=300, family = 'serif')
- par(mfrow=c(rows,2),oma=c(3,0,0,0), mar=c(0,2,0,0),cex=0.7)
- for(i in 1:length(Variable)){
- name <- paste("od[ DISCUZ_CODE_0 ]quot;,Variable[i], sep="")
- value <- eval(parse(text=name))
- plot(value,type="l", ylab=Variable[i], cex.axis=0.6,xaxt="n",mgp=c(1,0.1,0),tck=-0.02)
- if(i==length(Variable)){
- axis(side=1, at=years, tck=-0.04, hadj=0.4, labels=years,mgp=c(1,0.4,0), cex.axis=1) # add x-axis to the last figure
- axis(side=1, at=1:length(od$Year), tck=-0.01, hadj=0.4, labels=NA, cex.axis=1) # add month labels to the x-axis
- mtext("年份",side=1,line=1.5)
- }
- d<-Mann_Kendall(value)#进行突变检验
- yUF <- as.data.frame(d$UF[3])$U
- yUB <- as.data.frame(d$UB[3])$U
- plot(x=c(1:length(od$Year)),y=yUF, type="l", ylim=c(min(yUF,yUB,-1.96),max(yUF,yUB,1.96)),lwd=1, lty=5, ylab="", cex=0.5,xaxt="n",mgp=c(1,0.1,0),tck=-0.02)
- points(x=c(1:length(od$Year)),y=yUB,type="l",lty=3,col=6,lwd=1)
- abline(h=1.969,lty=4,lwd=0.5)# 1.969是a=0.05的显著性水平
- abline(h=-1.96,lty=4,lwd=0.5)
- abline(h=0,col="gray",lwd=0.5)
- }
- axis(side=1, at=years, tck=-0.04, hadj=0.4, labels=years,mgp=c(1,0.4,0), cex.axis=1) # add x-axis to the last figure
- axis(side=1, at=1:length(od$Year), tck=-0.01, hadj=0.4, labels=NA, cex.axis=1) # add month labels to the x-axis
- mtext("年份",side=1,line=1.5)
- dev.off()
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